CPMS often participates in Erasmus+ projects, both nationally and internationally, engaging in a number of development and networking activities and creating transnational cooperative partnerships with organisations from other countries in order to produce innovative outputs or exchange best practices.
Our participation in Erasmus+ projects and the cooperative partnerships that we have formed through the years, has increased our capability to perform at an international level, improve our project management skills and increased our ability to prepare and manage projects.
We, as CPMS, bring to every project the following competences:
Knowledge on Project Management and Planning;
Capacity on Financial Management;
Know-how on business standards (ISO);
Experience on training methods;
Access to one of the widest network of Project Managers (International Project Management Association);
Access to the Cypriot education and training stakeholders and last
Knowledge on ICT-based tools.
CPMS has been active as a partner in the following programs.
PROVE Project
The PROVE project is a partnership aiming to contribute to the improvement of Quality Assurance of EU – Project Management.
Europeanisation Project
The project's aim is the development of an online tool for the self – assessment of the level of Europeanisation of training institutions
The aim of CASSANDRA Project is to improve the stability and resilience of SMEs through the use of three new tools.
IPEC Project
The IPEC project developed a new micro-lite Project Management methodology, based on the needs of SMEs.
Digitalisation Project
The Digitalisation project's goal is to create a Strategy Development Tool for the Digitalisation of SME
INCLUDE – Inclusive Leadership in the Digital Age.
INCLUDE picks up on two central current developments: firstly, the trend towards flatter hierarchies and shared responsibility and, secondly, the digitalisation of all business sectors. Both aspects form the starting point for a new, practically relevant and innovative leadership approach in the age of digitalisation.
InnoPro Project
Innovation Project Management Course
Main Objectives
To develop relevant and high quality skills of Doctoral, Master´s and Bachelor´s students and also other adults, graduates, employees, entrepreneurs etc.,
Development of a course on preparation and management of innovation projects
upgrade2europe Project
Main goal of the project: to provide educational actors, SMEs and SMOs with the necessary materials to develop and implement their own Europeanisation strategies, thus intensifying their activities in Europe across national borders.