Project Title
Funding: Erasmus+ KA2
Duration: 32 months(10/2020 – 05/2023)
Partnership: 7 organisations from 6 European countries: Germany, Italy, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Hungary and Estonia

Project goal and objectives
Main goal of the project: to provide educational actors, SMEs and SMOs with the necessary materials to develop and implement their own Europeanisation strategies, thus intensifying their activities in Europe across national borders.
Intellectual Outputs
- Process Model
- EQF Curriculum
- Handbook
- Teaching and Learning Videos
- Online Self-Assessment Tool
- E-mail course
Module 1 Corporate Governance
Module 2 Management and Leadership
Module 3 Operations & Resources
Module 4 European Partnerships & Alliances
Target Groups
- Small and medium sized organisations (SMOs) – e.g. associations and foundations
- Educational providers from vocational and adult education – as trainers of SMEs and SMOs
- SMEs (micro, small and medium sized) from the service sector