Europeanisation Project
We are proud to announce that our project “Europeanisation” has been officially awarded the “Good Practice Example” award of the European Commission!
The main project product is the Online self-assessment tool (europeanisation.eu-fundraising.eu). This helps VET and adult education organisations find out how well prepared they are for working internationally.
This tool has for objective to help users identify and remove the obstacles, which prevent their institutions from successful work at the EU/international level.
Managers and other teaching/non-teaching staff members can freely and confidentially assess their organisation with regards to 7 capacity areas:
- Mission, Vision, Culture
- Strategy and Management
- Human Resources
- Project Management
- Financial Capacity
- External Communication
- European Dimension
In these 7 capacity areas, the user navigates through 42 issues within which she/he discovers 4 situation descriptions per issue. Then he/she selects the description which reflects the best his/her organisation. The user finally gets an assessment report of the readiness of the organisation to work at the EU/international level.
Read more about our award winning project at the website of the European Commission!