Cyprus Project Management Society

As of October 2012, the CPMS participates in the PROVE project, along with partners from other European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania and Switzerland).

The CPMS has an active role in the PROVE project and has undertaken the completion of a number of workpackages. The Society has successfully hosted the fourth WorkGroup meeting of the project in Cyprus, between the 24th and the 26th of October.

The CPMS is constantly seeking participation in innovative projects that can be of added value to local professionals and that can assist in advancing the project management field at the local and regional level.

The PROVE project is a partnership aiming to contribute to the improvement of Quality Assurance of EU – Project Management. The project was funded by the European Union under the Leonardo Da Vinci Partnerships programme.


Project goals

The aim of the PROVE project was to identify commonalities and similarities between the various existing Project Management quality standards such as PRINCE2TM, IPMA, ISO 10006, PCM and to recommend a common quality method and set of tools for EU – Project Managers.

The ultimate goal was to integrate a Quality Manual, a Quality Charter and a new curriculum for EU project managers.

The PROVE consortium has the ambition to raise benefits for 4 identified target groups: EU – Project Managers, organisations running EU – Projects, organisations providing expertise and training on ( EU – )Project Management and EU institutions.

  • As for EU – Project Managers, PROVE will contribute a higher visibility, trustworthiness and attractiveness of this professional occupation.
  • For organisations running EU – Projects, PROVE will increase their expertise and self – confidence, and contribute to raise a culture of Project Management and Quality.
  • For organisations providing expertise and training on (EU – )Project Management, PROVE will contribute to a better understanding of the needs of EU – Project Managers, a better matching of education/training supply and demand, and a more transparent and harmonised business market.
  • For EU institutions, PROVE is expected to positively influence the overall quality of projects funded by the European Union.



To achieve these goals, PROVE produced valuable products of European added – value:

  • Peer – learning sessions on Project Management standards, tools and techniques.
  • A Needs Analysis to survey the areas of knowledge and competences which are the most important for successful EU – Project Management.
  • A Manual for EU – Project Mananagers
  • A Code of conduct (Charter) for EU – Project Managers.
  • A Curriculum for EU – Project Managers.



emcra (Lead Partner)

emcra is the leading German training and consulting company in the area of national and European fundraising (ISO 9001 certified). We set high quality standards in the fundraising process and show you the path through the maze of European Funds. More information on (in German).


accelopment AG

A competent service provider in the public funding sector, based in Zurich. accelopment assists universities, companies and other organisations in the acquisition of and participation in publicly funded innovation projects. The company specialises in European research, development and innovation support programmes.  More information on


EU-Fundraising Association

The EU Fundraising Association is a network of individuals and organisations involved in EU projects.  The EU – Fundraising Association aims besides towards promoting the profession of certified EU – Fundraisers to secure the maintaining of high quality throughout different fields in EU – Project Management.  More information on


European Center for Quality Ltd

Specialized in two spheres – development and management of projects under different EU programmes, as well as in devel.opment and implementation of international standards for quality management. The company works in close cooperation with a number of foreign partners, among which are educational institutions and universities, qualification centers, non – government organizations, consulting companies, etc. More information on


German Romanian Foundation

In Timisoara is a Non – Governmental and nonprofit Organization, specialized in vocational adult training. It provides qualification courses, modular from the level 1 to 3 (technicians) and specializations from 1 – 4 Weeks. The Foundation offers courses for skilled workers in the field of construction, installation, welding, commercial, etc. The certificates are recognized on national and international level.More information on


Association for the Promotion of Human Resources in the South Great Plain of Hungary (HEEDA)

It was founded in 2001. General statutory aims are for example the promotion of European union, the European integration process, active European citizenship as well as the integration of marginalised society groups and the promotion of the environment and natural resources, particularly Regenerative Energies.


PCM Group

Brings together highly experienced and qualified independent process consultants, trainers and moderators from different countries and regions. We have worked together under sub – contracting arrangements for more than two decades. Through these contacts we have access to a pool of proven, flexible and readily available experts.

Project Management Association of Lithuania 

A non – profit project management organisation representing Lithuanian project managers and institutions. The association also aims to stimulate progress in project management as a profession, the professional training in project management and facilitating formation of career development in Lithuania.  More information on


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