Digitalisation for SMEs – 1st transnational meeting
Project Title: Digitalisation – Strategy Development Tool for the Digitalisation of SME
Project Agreement No.: 2017-1-DE02-KA202-004223
The 1st transnational meeting (kick-off meeting) regarding the project took place in Berlin on November 2017. The partners (CPMS, emcra, Tournis Consulting, LVH, CCI, IBWF and LUISS) came to a common understanding in regards to the project’s specifications and goals.
SMEs play an important role in economies around the world contributing to economic and social well-being. Digitalisation offers new opportunities to SMEs for staying connected to their customer, for new growth and revenue opportunities. Also, Digitalisation helps in increasing productivity and innovativeness.
The aim of the two-year project (2017-2019) is to provide a learning package and also a methodology to serve the above mentioned purpose.